
Toxicology Testing
Andor offers oral and urine toxicology screening and confirmation testing based on state-of-the-art technology using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to identify and quantify a wide range of pharmacological agents and many associated drug metabolites used in pain management and substance abuse treatment regimens. What makes our LC-MS/MS technology “state-of-the-art” is the ability to be highly selective, rapid, and high sensitivity.

Infectious Diseases
Andor’s Infectious Diseases department offers an array of nucleic acid-based testing utilizing state of the art equipment and methods including Real-Time PCR and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). Our assays are highly specific and sensitive offered at an industry leading Turn-around-time. Our tests results are physician and patient centric designed with the highest clinical utility to drive personalized and effective patient care while reducing overall health care cost.

Clinical Blood
Andor’s clinical blood department utilizes state-of-the-art equipment including the Atellica Solution to offer unrivaled service in the clinical chemistry and immune-assay testing department. This department offers routine testing of general chemistry as well as special chemistry and endocrinology. Any test results suggesting urgent clinical intervention are immediately called to the ordering physician or other appropriate caregiver to ensure rapid patient care. Andor Lab’s hematology department performs routine hematology assessments, including CBCs (with differentials) and reticulocyte counts. We use state of the art Sysmex equipment, to deliver the most accurate results in a timely manner, additionally Sysmex’s proprietary BCQM program to ensures the quality of our results are second to none.

Telemed Remote Testing
Utilizing telemedicine testing during video chat sessions will allow you to safely and easily observe your patients. A simple and easy method to ensure your patients are compliant on their medications and not abusing drugs.
- - We ship directly to your patients
- - Shipping is included
- - Industry leading turnaround time
- - EMR integration available
- - Online result portal
Complete On-site Training
Comprehensive on-boarding training to ensure a smooth and seamless transition.
Full Service Emr Integration
We have the ability to seamlessly integrate with all EMR, EHR, and LIS systems including a bi- directional interface for both ordering and results.
PHD Consultation
Real-Time access to our certified PhD’s that can provide expert testimony and answer any of your test related questions.
Online Ordering / Result Portal
Andor Labs will set up your healthcare facility with a secure portal to order lab tests and retrieve your results